Monday, December 6, 2010

Oh God, My Day Was Terrible.

Started out as any normal day. Went through school crap, played on the computer, etc. Later, we (Me, my mother, and my grandmother) went to Walmart. Me and my mother had a terrible argument, but we eventually got over it and we were okay. We went to Eat 'n Park, and we ordered some food, and I got some chicken soup. I ate it, it was delicious...then I started feeling my throat closing up. I stood up, taking deep breaths while having a panic attack, and my mom screams "SOMEONE CALL 911!" I could talk, but I felt like my throat was all stuffed up. A woman at a table near us flips out her cellphone, calls 911, runs around the restaurant to get the address of where we were at, and she did all of this in about 40 seconds. Amazing. In the end I was fine, didn't have to go to the hospital or anything, and had a nice dinner. But, I can't thank that woman enough. Her name is Sherry Burnside. She was a nurse, and even though it was her job to help people, most people wouldn't do something like that, and it was such a great thing for her to do. She is absolutely one of the best people I have ever met. If anyone who knows her reads this, I just want to say, thank her for me, because without her help, I don't know what would have happened. :)


  1. Glad you're okay man!

  2. Definitely. Without you I'd be stuck stalking Pheebes!

  3. LOL FoS. (My new nickname for you. XD) I'm about to make a new post about a hilarious restaurant I went to today with my grandmother. :P So, more stalking! Yay! xD

  4. Red Queen luvs to BABBLE!July 4, 2011 at 7:24 AM


    I should duct-tape my mouth sometimes. And, yeah, FoS, I KNOW duct tape will kill us all, but sometimes it's useful for, like, SHUTTING ME UP FROM SAYING STOOPID THAAANGS!

    Like that.

    I like the enter key. Yeah, yeah. ENTERENTERENTER.

    OK, getting to the point. Once I was in Marshall's and I was ten, I think, so it was three years ago. Yeah. And I thought it'd be SICK to hang on the clothes rack but it fell on top of me but I lifted it off and kept shopping. I'm brave. :)

    Aaaalso, (more enter-key-ing ahehehe)there was a little kid at an ice-cream social @ my school who knocked down a BIG TIKI WOODEN STATUE THINGYMCJIGGER! I was all brave and girl-macho (macha?) and held up the EVIL TIKI up enough for the kid to escape but then it FELL ON ME TOO and I got a bruise the size of CHINA on my leg. It felt cool though, all bumpy... Ew. What did I just type?

    Then I saw THE SAME TIKI at Relay for Life (it was a rental) and it was LAUGHING MALICIOUSLY at me. I wanted to bust into the stand and chop its head with a BIG KNIFE, Red Queen style, but I couldn't because it was JUST A HEAD. Depressing. I intimidated it by staring hard at it, but the fat guy standing next to it was creeped out.

    I HAVE A BIG HEAD> Over n' out!
