Wednesday, December 1, 2010


So, this is My Life is Random (MLIR). Yeah, the name is based off of MLIA (My Life is Average). To be honest, I've only visited that site, like, once, but my friend loves it, and I had no other ideas. I've actually had this blog up for about half a year, but was too lazy to make the banner/header/whatever for it, and to actually work to make it decent, so I didn't do anything with it. Basically, this place is for me to talk about whatever I feel like bit**ing about (excuse my language), and have whoever is interested in other people's ideas/stalking me read it all. Basically one of those blogs where all I do is talk about me, and occasionally some friends. Who knows, maybe I'll invite a best friend or two to yap about themselves too. I'll probably be making a post soon, so keep your...eyes peeled? I think that's what the saying was...whatever.


  1. I was browsing WBP today, and saw a post to this link. Cool! Having a personal blog would be fun. I've thought about doing the same thing, but have never really gotten around to it.

  2. You make sending my Stalker Army after you far too easy...

    One thing to keep in mind though, keep the names of people you are using in a negative fashion out of it, because they will find what you're saying about them and will hate you. Personal experience.

  3. @Angie XD Neither have I, until now.

    @GCG Ahh, good tip.

  4. Stalker here! Lol...

  5. I LUV TO STALK! It's Aisha n Amentia here! Not a stranger, but technically I am because you never actually met me... PROBABLY. WHAT IF YOU'RE SOME KID IN MY CLASS!

    But your name's Ian. Probably. No Ians in my class.


    I'm done. (Gotta love that enter key.)
